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All Images Are Copyrighted By The Photographer


Venus, crescent Moon and Mercury conjunction taken April 15, 2010 overlooking West Kelowna. 70 m.m., ISO 400, 8 seconds, f/4.5. Taken by Greg Dean.

The Moon and Saturn encircled by a perfect lunar halo. Taken 2010.01.03 02:55 local time. There is slight colorization in the halo. Canon 40D, 8mm Peleng fisheye lens, f/5.6, 100 ISO, 30 sec.

Hugh Pett handing over the final payment

First Quarter Moon, Andrew Bennett

Pleiades, Dave Gamble

Half-moon rising over Bosporus Peninsula, Dan Hicks.

Pelican Nebula IC5070
6 x 10 min. exposures: Borg ED102 Astrograph, IDAS Narrow-Band Nebula filter
captured with modified Canon XSi
Courtesy Dave Gamble

Bird sitting in a tree.
Shot with Canon A70 digital camera, handheld at an 18mm eyepiece on my 12" dob
Courtesy of Wayne Willett

Sketch of M106
Courtesy Guy Mackie

Our observatory sign was installed mid June 2008!

North American Nebula NGC 7000
13 x 5 min. exposures with Borg ED102 Astrograph with modified Canon XSi
Courtesy Dave Gamble

Partially eclipsed moon. The Earth’s curved shadow is advancing across the Moon’s surface.
Courtesy Dan Hicks

Partially eclipsed moon over Anahim Meadow, looking east. Composite photo.
Courtesy Dan Hicks
Rosette Nebula which surrounds the open cluster
NGC 2239 in Monoceros
A combination of three exposures each at 3, 5 and 7 min. taken through a Borg ED102 with a Canon D10- DSLR.
Courtesy Dave Gamble

Fully eclipsed moon.
The Moon is completely within the Earth’s shadow, although it was never deep within the shadow, as demonstrated by its bright edge.

Courtesy Dan Hicks

Eclipsed moon & stars over Anahim Meadow, looking east. Composite photo.
Saturn is to the left of the moon, & the star Regulus is above the moon.
The moon is in the constellation Leo, the lion. Note the distinctive reversed question mark in Leo’s upper half. To the right of Leo is the constellation Hydra, the water snake.
Courtesy Dan Hicks

Partially eclipsed moon. The Moon is emerging from the Earth’s shadow.
Courtesy Dan Hicks

Lunar Eclipse Feb. 20, 2008
Five second exposure through Borg ED 102 with a Canon 10D @ 100 ISO

Courtesy Dave Gamble

Partially eclipsed moon over Anahim Meadow, looking east. Composite photo.
Courtesy Dan Hicks

Eclipsed moon & stars over Anahim Meadow, looking east. Composite photo. Saturn is to the left of the moon, & the star Regulus is above the moon. The moon is in the constellation Leo, the lion. The sky glow on the horizon is caused by the lights of Williams Lake.
Courtesy Dan Hicks

M33 and 8P/Tuttle closing in
on each other...
5min x 9 (with a break in the middle), Canon 350D with WO 66mm

Courtesy Mikkel Steine

2 min exposures when Comet Tuttle passed by M33.
This time aligned on
the comet, and now you can see the tail quite easily.

Courtesy Mikkel Steine

Moon Day 13
January 21, about 8 hours before Full Moon.

Courtesy Greg Dean

Comet Holmes
Tuesday night. Ten - 5 second exposures through the 18" NGT
unguided, processed and stacked with ImagesPlus.

Courtesy Dave Gamble

Sketch of
Comet Holmes at 66x

Courtesy of Guy Mackie

Comet Holmes- Nov 1, 2007
Vixen 80mm Fluorite refractor,
Atik ATK-16HR CCD-camera, guided with Atik
ATK-2HS modified webcam
188 images, 60 seconds each, were calibrated,
aligned and combined in Images Plus.

Courtesy Mikkel Steine

Polar star trails encircle
Mount Galwey
Waterton Lakes National Park, AB.
2007-08-15 W 00:35 MDT
Canon EOS 30D digital camera.
Lens: Canon EF-S 17-55 mm,
f 2.8 IS USM.
Tv 1 hour, 8 minutes, & 19 seconds; Av 8; ISO 100; & FL 17 mm.
Dan Hicks

M33. 17 - 5
min. exposures through the 4" Borg.

Courtesy Dave Gamble

M31 October 13/07
Auto guided 4" Borg apo.
8 x 5 min exposures
Canon 10D
Processed in ImagesPlus

Courtesy Dave Gamble

Venus near the Moon
Nikon 5700
128.1 mm
8.5 sec @f 5.9
Courtesy Bob Jones

Venus near the Moon
Nikon 5700
17.8 mm
22.0 sec.@f 4.7

Courtesy Bob Jones

  Crescent Nebula in Cygnus, NGC 6888.

Taken with a 4" Borg apo piggybacked on the NGT 18 driven by an autoguider.
17 five minute exposures through a digital camera stacked and averaged with ImagesPlus.
Courtesy of Dave Gamble

"Polaris over The Old House"
Canon 20Da, 18-55mm lens @ 18mm @ f/4
1106s exposure, ISO 400
Courtesy Neil Campbell

Reflection of Orion Setting
Canon 20Da, 18-55mm lens @ 18mm @ f/4
212s exposure, ISO 400
Courtesy Neil Campbell

ISS travelling south over Cedar Creek Park. April 18, 2007, Nikon D80, 18mm, 80 seconds at f4.

Courtesy Greg Dean

The Moon is about to occult the Pleiades on March 22, 2007.
Nikon D80, Nikor 70 to 300 lens at 300 mm. Two seconds at f5.6. ISO 400
Courtesy Greg Dean

8x zoom on Nikon CoolPix 5700 focal length 71.2 mm.
Noise reduction was turned on. Photos taken April 10 with a time exposure of 88.5 and 110 seconds.
Courtesy Bob Jones

The background is that it was a stack of 12 autoguided exposures
totalling 42 min. taken with a Canon D10 digital camera through a 4"
Borg 102ED apo.
Courtesy David Gamble

March 3rd Lunar eclipse, taken on the morning of March 4th from 30000ft over the East China Sea.
Courtesy Neil Campbell

Sagittarius over the Anniversary & Bugaboo Glaciers (left, & mid & right), looking south from Applebee Dome.
Bugaboo Provincial Park, BC.
2006-08-27 Su 22:07 MDT
Canon EOS 30D digital camera.
Canon EF-S 17-55 mm, f 2.8 IS USM lens.
Tv 20 seconds, Av 2.8, ISO 500, & FL 17 mm. Tripod-mounted.
Dan Hicks

Milky Way & Sagittarius over the Bugaboos, looking south from Applebee Dome.
2006-08-27 Su 22:34 MDT.
Canon EOS 30D digital camera.
Canon EF-S 17-55 mm, f 2.8 IS USM lens.
Tv 20 seconds, Av 2.8, ISO 1000, & FL 17 mm. Tripod-mounted.
Dan Hicks

Mikkel Steine
Comet McNaught

Comet McNaught, 2007-01-11 Th 17:00 PST, Alexis Creek, BC.
Camera: Canon EOS 30D digital camera.
Lens (Canon): EF 100-400 mm, f 4.5-5.6 L IS USM.
Tv 1/60, Av 5.6, & ISO 500. Tripod-mounted.
Looking west-southwest. Temperature -25.50 C. Dan Hicks

Crescent Moon
Taken with Panasonic Lumix DMC FZ20.
12x optical zoom
Jim Failes
Feb 18th, 2007

"North Star Swirl"
Nikon D50 at bulb setting for 18min with f4, ISO 200 from my deck in Ellison.
Courtesy Monica Kayer

Sketch of Mercury Transit from Summerland, BC as the sun reappeared from the clouds at 11.18am. The large sunspot on the lower left was cool with its large shaded penumbra which was truncated on the leading side. Mercury is the black dot to its left giving an idea of where it entered the disk, and the two smaller sunspots are to the upper right. The drawing is a bit counterclockwise from N/S
Courtesy Dave Gamble

Sketch of Mercury Transit from Summerland, BC
12mm eyepiece (50x), Shot at 1/500 The time of the image would have been around 11.45am and you can see how Mercury overtook and passed the sunspot in the time between the sketch and image.
Courtesy Dave Gamble

M 31 with a 4" Borg 101ED Apo piggybacked on the big scope which was used for autoguiding with the STV. This stacked image was made of three 3 min. exposures.

Courtesy of Dave Gamble

Quarter Moon, 06-07-29, Alexis Creek
Camera: Canon EOS 30D digital.
Lens (Canon): EF 100-400 mm f 4.5-5.6L IS USM.
Tv 1/100, Av 5.6, & ISO 100.
Handheld shot, courtesy Dan Hicks

Half Moon, 06-08-02, Alexis Creek
Camera: Canon EOS 30D digital camera.
Lenses (Canon): EF 100-400 mm f 4.5-5.6L IS USM, & Extender EF 1.4 II.
Tv 1/60, Av 8.0, & ISO 400.
Handheld & manually focused shot, courtesy Dan Hicks

Early September visit to proposed
observatory site
Courtesy of Wayne Willett
Find out more!

Early September 06 visit to prosposed observatory site
Courtesy of Colleen O'Hare
Find out more!

M 31 and M45 with a 4" Borg 101ED Apo piggybacked on the big scope which was used for autoguiding with the STV. A single three minute exposure.
Courtesy of Dave Gamble

Picture of total solar eclipse March 29th 2006. 3rd contact, diamond ring.
1/2500th sec exposure, ISO 400 on a tripod mounted Canon 20Da
digital camera with 300 mm zoom lens.
Taken from aboard ship in the
Mediterranean Sea.
Courtesy Neil Campbell

"Richard and the giant PST!"
Taken at International Healthy Kids Day at the YMCA June '06
Courtesy Guy Mackie

"As soon as we got the PST set up on Wednesday, the only cloud in the sky covered it. So while the prominences were unable to be seen, a quite mesmerizing sun pillar appeared."
Courtesy Colleen O'Hare

Old Moon in the new Moon's arms
January 30th, 2006, 5:32pm PST
36 hours old Moon taken with Canon 20Da
0.6 second exposure, ISO 200, 130mm focal length @ f/5

Courtesy Neil Campbell

Canada-France-Hawaii telescope

The second photo is the sunset taken at the summit of Mauna Kea (4200 meters) on 17/02/06 7:33:39 PM Hawaiian time with a Pentax istD SLR Digital camera with a 18-55mm lens.
Courtesy Bryan Kelso

July 2004 through the dense smoke of the Klinaklini River Fire blazing west of Alexis Creek.
The Klinaklini Fire Moon’s coloring is natural, coming only through my Coolpix camera settings
Courtesy Dan Hicks

Dan Hicks
Hunter’s Moon & Aspen Labyrinth. Alexis Creek, B.C. Chilcotin Country
CAMERA : E995V1.5 Nikon Coolpix 995 (2001)
SHUTTER : 1/14sec
EXP +/- : 0.0
FOCAL LENGTH : f31.0mm(X1.0)
DATE : 2005.10.17 18:51 PDT

Dan Hicks
Hunter’s Moon & aspen branches. Alexis Creek, B.C. Chilcotin Country
CAMERA : E995V1.5 Nikon Coolpix 995 (2001)
SHUTTER : 1/101sec
EXP +/- : 0.0
FOCAL LENGTH : f31.0mm(X1.0)
DATE : 2005.10.17 19:05 PDT

Mars, Pleiades, aspens, & pines, beneath the Hunter’s Moon. Alexis Creek, B.C. Chilcotin Country
CAMERA : E995V1.5 Nikon Coolpix 995 (2001)
SHUTTER : 8.00sec
EXP +/- : 0.0
FOCAL LENGTH : f14.8mm(X1.0)
SENSITIVITY : ISO200 Noise Reduction on
DATE : 2005.10.17 20:40 PDT

Here are two of the shots I took using my Nikon CoolPix 5700 digital camera mounted on a tripod on Sunday night (Aug 7th) just after 9 p.m. showing Venus near the Moon after a glorious sunset over Lake Okanagan. One was taken at f/4.2 @ 1/3.4 sec. and -2.0 EV with a focal length of 67.7 mm. (8x optical zoom). The other shot was taken at f/4.2 @ 1/5.2 sec and -2.0 EV with a focal length of 284.8 mm. (8x optical zoom and 4x digital zoom).
Courtesy of Bob Jones

Here is a star trail photo of the constellation Scorpius
Taken in Hawaii June 28 2005
Tripod mounted shot with Canon Digital Rebel, 18-55mm lens set at 25mm, 282s @ f/4 at 9:30 in the evening.
This photo was taken in the valley between Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa at an elevation of 2800m (6000ft).
Courtesy of Neil Campbell

Mikkel Steine
Messier 103
(LRGB, 60 x 15 sec for each channel)

This is a 30 minute exposure of Orion. The celestial equator is located just above the top star in the "belt." Star trails curve in opposite directions on either side of the celestial equator. Procyon is in the upper left corner, Sirius is in the lower left corner, and Aldebaran in Hyades is located in the upper right corner.
Courtesy Greg Dean

Using my Nikon 5700 digital camera mounted on a tripod, this photo was taken from our deck at 9:06 p.m. PDST on April 11th with the moon close to Pleiades . The focal length was set to 114 mm. The exposure was 1 second at f/4.2 with +0.7 EV of exposure compensation.
Courtesy Bob Jones

" Orion Blurred"
- It is a 21 minute exposure. Greg defocused the lens every three minutes. Taken on a Nikon F80, 28-70 mm. lens at 70 mm. f5.4.

Courtesy of Greg Dean

This shot was taken shortly before 7 pm March 13/05, with a Panasonic Lumix DMC FZ-10 digital camera, 1 sec. exposure at f2.8 with an ISO setting of 50. The zoom focal length was 230 mm (35 mm equivalent). I have slightly increased the gamma correction to lighten the sky.
Courtesy of Jim Failes

Photo of the Pleides and comet Machholz by Neil Campbell

Lunar Eclipse 2004 - Bob Jones

Photos taken using a Nikon CoolPix 5700 digital camera set at a focal length of 284.8 mm. (8x optical zoom and 4x digital zoom) and exposures from 1 second at f4.2 to 1/380th second at f 4.2 with camera exposure compensations from +0.7 to -2.0. No adjustments made to the photos as taken except for cropping and sizing.

August Moon by Neil Campbell.

Venus Transit by Mikkel Steine.

April 30th, 2004. Seeing Fair at 316x.
78% illumination. 9:25 - 10:05
Crater Schiller 108 x 43 miles - 11800 feet deep
Possible oblique impact. Fusion of two craters
Bayer 29 x 29 miles. 6100 feet deep.

Courtesy Guy Mackie

I took several shots of the moon just holding the CoolPix 5700 up to the eyepiece of a 6 in. Dobsonian telescope. The camera was set to a focal length of 21 mm. with no digital zoom. The exposure was 1/100 sec at f /3.5.

Courtesy Bob Jones

This shot of Jupiter and its four largest moons was taken on April 4th 2004 at 12 minutes past midnight (i.e. at 00:12 on April 5th). Again it was taken with the CoolPix 5700 at maximum optical and digital zoom. And again, the exposure was 1 second at f /4.2 with an exposure compensation of - 1.3 EV.

Courtesy Bob Jones

This shot of Venus and the Pleiades was taken at 20:00 on April 4th 2004 when Venus was closest to the Pleiades (within 0.6 degrees I believe). It was taken with a Nikon CoolPix 5700 set at its maximum optical focal length of 285 mm. and with its maximum digital zoom ratio of 4.0 . The exposure was 1 second at an aperture of f /4.2 with an exposure compensation value of -1.3 EV.
Courtesy Bob Jones
For more images see another  Archive page.

Rosette Nebula by Dave Gamble